浏览量: 208
- 产品名称: Biotin-14-dATP
- 产品货号: CSC431
- 货期: 现货
- 价格与订购: 3800
- 数量:
- 规格: 50nmol
- 产品信息
- 如何订购
Biotin-14-dATP is a dATP analog with biotin attached at the 6-position of the purine base by a 14-atom linker. The long, 14-atom spacer arm allows accessibility to streptavidin for sensitive detection of probe-target hybrids in in situ and filter-based hybridizations. Biotin-14-dATP can be efficiently incorporated into DNA by nick translation in the presence of dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP. Biotin-14-dATP can be added to the 3´ end of DNA using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The amount supplied is sufficient for labeling up to 50 µg of DNA by nick translation.
Incorporation into DNA/cDNA by
– Nick Translation with DNAse I/ DNA Polymerase I
– Primer Extension with Klenow fragment
Concentration: 0.4 mM in 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 0.1 mM EDTA.
Storage: -20°C
Product size: 50 nmol
Novel biotinylated nucleotide-analogs for labeling and colorimetric detection of DNA.
Gebeyehu et al.
Nucleic Acids Res. (1987) 15 (21):4513
Single-cell Hi-C for genome-wide detection of chromatin interactions that occur simultaneously in a single cell.
Nagano et al.
Nature Protocols (2015) 10 (12):1987.
HiChIP: Efficient and sensitive analysis of protein-directed genome architecture.
Mumbach et al.
Nature Protocols (2016) 13 (11):919.
For research use only. Not suitable for clinical or therapeutic use.
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